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Pitches/Tips: 718-938-0576
Sally Herships
Mar 14, 20191 min read
Saying 'I Do' To Lab-Grown Diamonds
A lot of money is pouring into the global diamond industry, but demand for diamonds has been less than lustrous of late. But, at the same...
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Sally Herships
Apr 17, 20181 min read
Inherited Fear
The American journalist Sally Herships has long felt she carries within herself a sense of the trauma suffered by her grandmother a...
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Sally Herships
Sep 23, 20165 min read
A veggie burger that 'bleeds' might convince some carnivores to eat green
Humans have been eating meat since, well, before we were human. But there are so many of us now eating so much meat that raising all...
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Sally Herships
Nov 4, 20111 min read
Making Memories with a Microchip
Ted Berger is trying to build a microchip that can remember things for us. He teaches biomedical engineering at the University of...
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Sally Herships
Sep 18, 20091 min read
Keep Your Eye on the Ball
In three-card monte, con artists use swift hand moves and constant patter to convince a sucker there's a way to win. A magician, a...
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Sally Herships
May 1, 20061 min read
Crime and Penitence
Immorality, criminality, that is the stuff of the outside world. Well, that's what some people thought, like the Philadelphia Society for...
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